Turn Information into Action!

You listen to General Conference and are inspired. You try to read the scriptures and pray and even pay attention in Sacrament Meeting. (Sometimes you have to try really hard.)

Then what?

The next step after taking in all that information, insight, prophetic counsel, warnings, and powerful doctrine is to take action!

take action


Sometimes it is pretty easy to know what you should do.




But other times it’s not quite so clear.

So let’s break it down.

When you take in information, especially when it’s a lot of information, it sits like a big lump in your mind.


lump in brain


Maybe you think of it as General Conference.

Maybe you even label it as good information.

(Did you know you label things in your head so you can find them again, kind of like hashtags?)


labeled lump


But it’s still a pretty big, undefined chunk in your mind.

You really do need to break it down into smaller, more defined, more understandable pieces so you can actually focus on what it is you’re dealing with.

If you don’t, it will stay as an overwhelming lump in your mind. You won’t focus on the great things that could happen with the information you have. And you’ll have a sense of overwhelm that continues to resurface and build.

So, let’s break that overwhelm down and get rid of it!

There are probably lots of ways you can do this. But since you are trying to turn information into action, I suggest you break it into action bits.

In fact, I recommend breaking it down into these action bits: things to avoid, to do, to understand more, to receive and, to say.

Those labels will help you know what to do with the information you have.


action labels


  • To Avoid – what habits, thought patterns, and behaviors should you avoid? 
  • To Do – what actions do you need to practice until they become habit? What positive action do you need to put in place of your “To Avoid” habits?
  • To Understand – what related or supporting concepts, principles, or doctrine can you study to clarify or strengthen your beliefs and behaviors?
  • To Receive – what blessings have been promised that you need to look for, recognize, or be willing to accept? 
  • To Say – how could you say this idea, principle or truth in a concise way?

You may be thinking…how does this works.?

Let’s say you hear…


conf quote


That is a very powerful idea! Very powerful indeed!

An idea with so much potential to guide and strengthen your life!


Even though in that form it feels powerful, there is nothing to act on. There is nothing so that powerful idea makes a difference for you, UNLESS you tell yourself something to DO about it.

So, let’s break it down into our action bits like this…


action thoughts


Look at all those things that came from one little quote. That’s a lot of actionable information!

Now instead of a lump of information you have the beginnings of an action plan.


From here, pray for guidance and clarity.

Determine a few specific actions you can start with.

Do them and watch as your life transforms before your eyes!

It sounds cheesy, but it really will happen.

You can do it!


Practice turning information into action by using this note taking sheet as you watch or study conference talks.

photo source: New Era Magazine

Are You a Secret Agent?

There were things said in my church meetings that got me thinking about secret agents. I’m guessing you’ve seen a movie or TV show about one. A person, probably with special skills or tools, who is given an important mission to accomplish. That person is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. They stay in the shadows so they don’t get caught. They have a team they can count on for help in a pinch. As they proceed with their mission, things do not go smoothly or according to plan. Regardless, they figure out a way through and we cheer when they are eventually successful in their mission! (I feel theme music would be appropriate here.)

Well, look at this scripture:

“For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves….” (D&C 58:28)

Did you see that? We are agents! Yes, this is talking about our agency, our ability to choose. But to me it’s insightful to think of ourselves as agents. Someone with special “power” and skills to complete a specific mission. Do you know what your special powers are? Do you know what your mission is?

We also have a team we can count on for help and there are people who will cheer us on in our successes. Who is on your team?

The agents in the movies sometimes remain secret because their mission requires it. But mostly likely our mission doesn’t. We do not need to be SECRET agents. When we try to stay in the shadows, not only do we keep our mission secret from the world, but we often keep the secret so well that we keep the secret from ourselves.

We are agents! We are agents! We are agents! We do not need to be secret agents.

I should point out that being a non-secret agent doesn’t mean we have to be totally out going and in the spot light all the time. Some would never be comfortable there for long. And some actually hide there. However, being a non-secret agent does mean that we spend our energy and effort finding out and completing our mission and being who we are instead of using all of that energy keeping people at a distance, worrying what others think of us or making sure that no one sees our talents. Sometimes some of us try to hide like this. We may not even know it. (Actually I think most of us try to hide like this in someways.)


I bring this up now because it’s on my mind. But also because as I have been studying President Uchtdorf’s conference talk, I’m intrigued how fear keeps us a secret agent. How fear keeps us from acknowledging our special skills and holds us back from discovering or completing our mission.

If you’re intrigued by this idea, try writing a list of your missions. What are you here on earth to do? Write as many thoughts as you can. Then come back to it later and write some more. Write down all the ideas that come. I think you’ll be amazed at the specialized skills you’ve been given and the amazing mission you have (should you choose to accept it).

Accept it. Let yourself be you! It will be amazing!

See also Wield Your Inner Super Powers

Righteous Leaders

November is a time people often think about giving thanks more abundantly than any other time of year. As turmoil and contention loom heavily over us, I am comforted by the words of the Prophets. Modern and ancient prophets have spoken of times like these where people will be confused and contentious. Times where evil seems to be the only choice. Evil is never the only choice. We have been blessed with a living Prophet and other righteous leaders who share our concerns, hopes, and beliefs.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband spoke of this in the April General Conference 2016. A quote from his talk reads:
     “We have sustained leaders today who, by divine inspiration, have been called to teach and guide us and who are calling out to us to beware of the dangers we face each day—from casual Sabbath-day observance, to threats to the family, to assaults on religious freedom, and even to disputing latter-day revelation. Brothers and sisters, are we listening to their counsel?
Many times in conferences, sacrament meetings, and Primary we have sung the tender words, “Lead me, guide me, walk beside me.”

What do those words mean to you? Who comes to mind when you think of them? Have you felt the influence of righteous leaders, those disciples of Jesus Christ who have in the past and continue today to touch your life, who walk the Lord’s path with you? They may be close at home. They may be in your local congregations or speaking from the pulpit at general conference. These disciples share with us the blessing of having a testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, the leader of this Church, the leader of our very souls, who has promised, “Be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.”
     So in this contentious world full of sadness, anger, and hopelessness, I am thankful for righteous leaders; for a God who appointed them to communicate with Him in my behalf. I choose to follow Him and I choose to be Grateful despite the turmoil I often feel around me. May I suggest that we choose who we will follow and what messages we will listen to and then pray to open our hearts to those messages God wants us to hear. I know as we do this, we will feel peace and comfort amidst all our trials.

Written by: Shanna
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